If you are using v-ray and don't use the VRayDisplacmentMod, then you should switch to mental ray! I use both, but v-ray is very powerful at performing geometric displacement, and is superb at creating organic objects; even grass looks good with displacement. Mental ray is good at displacing small polygons of geometry, where V-ray is good at displacing detail over large polygons. For this reason v-ray 1.50 sp1 is much more successful at creating grass for very large sites; a big plus!
The shader is simply just a VRayMat, with a grass map in the diffuse slot. Then I applied the VRayDisplacementMod modifier to the object. I instanced the image map from the shader into the displacement modifier.
VRayDisplacementMod settings:
• For something like grass it’s very important to use 2D mapping rather 3D mapping.
• I instanced the image map from the shader into the Texmap.
• I changed the amount to 4” to have taller grass blades.
• I increased the resolution to 2048 for better quality.
information courtesy http://3dsmaxrendering.blogspot.com